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This open house ran Nov. 22-Dec. 8, 2024. The content may no longer be current.

Please visit the project webpage for up-to-date information.



Design Alternative 1 includes  6-foot-wide buffered bikes lane. The cross section varies depending on the section of street.

Cross section: 205th Avenue between SW Baseline Road and SW Kirkwood Street

There is already 70-82 feet of right-of-way available. The proposed cross section is 82 feet.

  • 6-foot sidewalks on both sides
  • 4.5-foot landscape strip between sidewalk and street on both sides
  • 6-foot bike lanes on both sides
  • 2-foot painted buffers between bike lanes and vehicle lanes
  • 12-foot vehicle lanes, one in each direction
  • 14-foot center turn lane


Cross section: 205th Avenue between SW Kirkwood Street to Gracie Street

There is already 70-82 feet of right-of-way; proposed cross section is 82 feet.

  • 6-foot sidewalks on both sides of the street
  • 4.5 foot-landscape strips between sidewalks and the street
  • 6-foot bike lanes on both sides of the street
  • 2-foot painted buffers between the bike lanes and vehicle lanes
  • 12 foot vehicle lanes, one in each direction
  • 14 foot center turn lane


Cross section: 205th Avenue at the bridge over Beaverton Creek

There is already 40 feet of right-of-way; proposed cross section is 92-135 feet.

  • 8.5-foot sidewalks on both sides of the street
  • 7-foot bike lanes on both sides of the street
  • 4-foot painted buffer between the bike lanes and vehicle lanes
  • 12-foot vehicle lanes, one in each direction
  • 16-foot center median


Cross section: 205th Avenue between bridge and Quatama Street

County has 98 feet of right-of-way, work stays within this.

  • 8.5-foot sidewalks on both sides of the street
  • 7-foot bike lanes on both sides
  • 4-foot painted buffer between the bike lanes and vehicle lanes
  • 12-foot vehicle lanes, one in each direction
  • 14-foot center turn lane