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This open house ran Nov. 22-Dec. 8, 2024. The content may no longer be current.

Please visit the project webpage for up-to-date information.


The two alternatives are compared with scores of 1 (least desirable) to 5 (most desirable). 

CRITERIA Alternative 1:
Buffered Bike Lanes
Alternative 2:
Bike Lane, Multiuse Path
Bicycle/Vehicle Conflicts
1 = most conflicts,
5 = fewest conflicts


Bicycle/Pedestrian Conflicts
1 = most conflicts,
5 = fewest conflicts
5 2
Driver and User Expectation
1 = least expected,
5 = most expected
5 1
Bicycle Network Compatibility
1 = least compatible,
5 = most compatible
4 3
1 = highest cost,
5 = lowest cost
5 2
1 = most inlet structures,
5 = fewest inlet structures
5 2
Ease of Maintenance
1 = most difficult to maintain,
5 = easiest to maintain


Construction Cost Estimate $28.5 million $29.8 million
Right-of-Way Cost Estimate $4.7 million $4.8 million
Total Cost Estimate $33.2 million $34.6 million